Sunday, October 18, 2015

Keeping it simple stupid!
Do you want to be better? 
Do you want to truly know what you are capable of?
Then you have to get uncomfortable. 
You have to go against the way of the world.
You want to loose weight?
No fancy potion, pill of magic drink will get you there.
It takes hard work. You have to push yourself to get uncomfortable in your workouts.
You have to choose to feed your body good food. Food that will help you grow. 
Quit feeding yourself crap. 
You would not feed your dog fast food so why feed yourself or your kids that crap. 
Quit making excuses. Start making the time to prepare meals that your 
body will benefit from. Start treating your body with the same respect you give your dog. 
Don't skip breakfast take 2 minutes and make a protein shake 
and have a banana with it!
Hard boil some eggs so you have no excuses. 
We spend hours on facebook or the computer screen... 
Take 10 minutes out of your day and move your body, get uncomfortable. 
Go run up some stairs for 10 minutes, Run for 10 minutes HARD, knock out some burpees to a great tune. A 4 minute burpee workout will do wonders for you! 
 Trust me those 10 minutes will give you all the energy you 
need to get through your afternoon slum. 

And lastly and most importantly.
Start giving your day to the Man who created you. 
The man who created you in His image and likeness.
The man who loves you and is waiting for you to talk to Him EVERYDAY.
The Man who is there for you no matter what.
The Man who only REQUIRES 1 hour a week but desires you everyday.
We are only here because of HIM. 
Give Him yourself.
One simple step.
"Jesus I love you and I give you my life."
Start there and then spend a little more time with Him everyday.
Your life WILL CHANGE!

Get up and make it happen. 
Make it happen because YOU ARE WORTH IT.

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