Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Happy Almost 2016. 
Time to sit down and rewrite those goals.
Review 2015 and see where you failed and start over.
How many of those goals lasted beyond February of 2015. 
How many of you invested in yourselves? 
I have seen a lot of posts about the cost of gyms and fitness programs.
I will be the first to admit I am not cheap but I am not expensive either. But you will not get the one on one attention you DESERVE anywhere else unless you hire a personal trainer! You won't come to a class that has even 40, 30, 20 or even 15 people. I design workouts around your goals, what you love and what you hate and most likely need to work on. Why... because I care about you. I care about your goals. I truly care about your soul and well being. I don't just collect and then not care if you don't show up. I message you, text you and remind you to get here, call you out when you think you may not want to come. You matter, you matter to me and you matter to the rest of the crew. 
My goal is to help you become the best version of yourself which should be our ultimate goal. 
So don't sell yourself short.
This country spend billions of dollars on supplements, fad diets, pills, shakes and anything else that will convince us we will loose weight and have more energy. 
Do you know what else will give you that for a very small price! 
Exercise, sleep and clean eating. 
So take a look around your closet.... how much did you spend on those shoes and that purse... 
how long will those last you, do you they make you look stronger or thinner, 
do they help you eat better? 
What do you really want in 2016? 
Invest in yourself. You are worth it. 
Write down those goals and stick to them beyond February of 2016. 
I have plans for you in February if you are brave enough to join me.
When most fall off the bandwagon I will be there to keep you focused. 
Happy New Year!

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