Friday, December 12, 2014

First off this is raw... I did not edit it to make it sound perfect, I just spoke from the heart... and why... because I care, because I believe in everyone I train and everyone I work with and sometimes I believe in them more than they believe in themselves. I am tough, raw and I say it like it is. No sugar coating... Oh and I may be a little all over the place too but if you know me... you know that is normal too!

It's that time of year again. It has been awhile since I have written. But before we get into the craziness of Christmas and New Years I thought I should write. This time of year brings about many thoughts, memories, traditions, hopefully a lot of joy, and sadly stress. Have you been out lately? It is awful out there. No one has smiles on their faces, everyone is hustling around buying buying and buying more. People are honking at each other, pushing and shoving, desperately hunting for that Frozen Toy. So glad I have boys!

So why? Why do we do this to ourselves every year. We save all year to spoil our kids rotten and to be quite frank they would have more fun with a card board box. Are they grateful? Most of the time NO.
They just want more and honestly... how many of those toys actually make it to the next year?
Where is that precious toy you got them last year for Christmas? I know in our house a few of them are in cupboards and have not been played with at all. Don't call me scrooge. I love Christmas, I love Advent...
the preparation for Christmas. I always have great ideas to pray and do activities each day to keep Christ in Christmas but as always we get busy and sometimes it seems the Advent candle does not get lit for a long time.

How is that waistline feeling? A little thicker? Why is we let that go during the Holidays too? Exercise routines go out the door because we are too busy with parties and shopping. Eating healthy is a thing of the past... like maybe back in September... too many cookies and treats, party foods and drinks. I will start Jan 1 is what people will start to say. Write your resolutions list, your goals and then by February they are a thing of the past.

WOW negative Nancy... cool it. Yep I know but honestly am I right? I hope I am not and for some I won't be. I don't want to be. But life happens and we put priories aside and loose track of what we are supposed to be doing. You still have time to turn it around. You don't have to eat those treats, skip family dinners around the advent wreath. You just have to work around it. Simplify a little. How?

1. Three gifts for the kids or even one! Yes I know it sounds crazy but trust me they will be ok.
Bought too much, you can still limit it... donate the others or take them back!

2. Make that prayer a priority. Even if it is for a second. Look for opportunities. Each day I try to remind the kids to drop to their knees and simply offer Jesus their day. We often forget but the days we do are usually good days! Each day when I drop off my son at preschool I go make a visit in the chapel just to say hi to Jesus... it is often just for a minute before Zeke starts going for candles but it is still forming a relationship with Christ. Yesterday I had the honor of watching my twin nieces and I took them to chapel. They did not want to leave."I am still reading and I need to pray" They are three. It was beautiful. One of them was actually reading the bible in their own words of course but I can only imagine the Joy on God's face! It's the little things people.

3. Make someones day. Send them a text, and email or even a real mailed letter. It does not have to be long. Just tell them that you love them, you are praying for them, what you truly think of them. Trust me it will make their day.

4. DO YOUR EXERCISE. Take 15-20 minutes yes can chisel out that time. DO SOMETHING. Need ideas talk to me..... I got millions!

5. EAT WELL. God gave you your body to take care of it, to feed it right. Back in September I quite eating sugar except the bit of truvia I put in my coffee. I don't know why but it will be three months today I have not touched chocolate. And many of you know how I love chocolate and almonds. My peanut butter eating is under control. Yep I said it... 2 TB a day. Do I want more YES. But discipline comes into play and am I tempted YES! All the time. It sounds silly but we all have trigger foods that spiral us down an ugly path.
Saying NO once is the start. This week I gave my friend a jar and some marbles. I told her for every workout and every NO to something bad for her she was to put a marble in the jar. When it is full it is time for a NON FOOD RELATED REWARD. Often times we need to see our accomplishments because we forget them. Little victories... my Dad always used to call them. Little Yes to God. THEY MATTER even when it comes to food. That kind of discipline can lead to other positive discipline in your life I promise you.
So I think I have gone on enough...
the wrap up...

Simplify your Christmas. Give the gift of yourself! Spend time with people you would typically buy gifts for OR better yet do acts of service for them.
Get on your knees and offer your day EVERY DAY!
Make someones day!
Exercise and eat well... and let yourself see the little victories!

Peace. God love you. Merry Christmas!

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