Wednesday, November 5, 2014

God, give me the grace to see that I will only be as happy as I make my mind up to be. 
In every trial today, help me to see a gift, an opportunity, a calling, a blessing.
"Small steps for Catholic Mom"

My body hurts. I am definitely feeling older... and mind you I am NOT saying I am old! 
But I can tell that recovery is taking a little bit longer and
 I am not able to do as much volume in my training. Is this a set back?
No... it just means I have to learn to train smarter. It is however humbling.
There are still so many things that I would like to do and the realization 
that I may not be able to perform at the level I could when I was 10 years is frustrating at times. 
But I am not frustrated for long because in the grand scheme of things... I actually GET to workout. 
I love the discipline of working out and eating well. It keeps me grounded. 
I love pushing my body beyond what I think it can do. 
To be able to push past mental and physical plateaus is a gift. 
And in the times that I FAIL, which are MANY, 
I am reminded by my close friends and my husband that if I am NOT failing 
I am not growing and if I am not failing then I am not trying. So FAILURE is good. 
During this month of November don't look at your workouts as a chore. 
Look at them as a privilege 
Attack them with pride and work hard, remind yourself that you are alive. 
Make it hurt. And look at your workouts as a gift.
God gave you a temple to store your soul! Take care of it.
Don't fill it with crap or treat it like crap. 
You would not fill your gas tank with high fructose syrup.
You would not send your kids to school after having a bowl of candy for breakfast.
Take pride in your body. Love it and respect it. 
Feed it WELL. Treat it WELL. 
When you do you will be amazed at how it responds.

And of course.... you know I cannot leave without reminding you to take care of your soul too.
I challenge you every morning to simply drop on your knees the second
 you get out of bed and offer your day to the big Man. 
Lastly, get a little notebook and every night write down things you are thankful for during
 this month of Gratitude! We have so much to be thankful for. 
Both will change your life. 

Bootcamp is still is full swing and so is Online Bootcamp!
Thank you for being a part of it!
We will have some more Challenges coming for December and January so stay tuned! 

Pray hard, work hard and Eat Well!

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