Thursday, February 19, 2015

2015. Feb. How are those New Years Resolutions coming along?
Still plugging away?
If not... it is time to get things back in check.
Time to reevaluate.
So this is your check in.
1. How is your faith life? Getting to Mass/Church? Praying daily? Offering your day to Christ.
If you are not, drop on your knees now and do it! It will be life changing.
2. How is the pantry looking these days? Is it full of good healthy food that will fuel you or do you still have the hidden stash of treats when you have a bad day. GET RID OF IT ALL! You don't need it. No one in the house does. So don't use your kids as an excuse either...
3. How is the waistline? Clothes feeling loose or tight? Time to start writing things down again. EVERY MORSEL AND DRINK. Cleaning up the kids plates. STOP IT. It is mindless eating. Eat for purpose. Eat because you are supposed to, don't do mindless eating in front of the TV or computer or when you are drinking.
4. Workouts.... winter is a hard time to stay active for many. The cold weather keeps people in.
Just because you don't want to go out does not mean you cannot get an awesome workout in at home.
Do you have stairs.... run up and down them for 10 minutes.
Do burpees... 1 minute of them as many as you can and do it 5-10 times throughout the day! No excuses.
5. Lastly and probably most importantly regarding exercise anyway (so I am learning)... how is your mobility? Work on it daily!

So this is your wakeup call! Need some motivation. PLEASE TALK TO ME!
We will be running an awesome March Motivator for ONlINE BOOTCAMP!
Let's do this! Let's make those resolutions game changers for life not just for a few months.

Pray Hard, Work Hard Play Hard!

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