Friday, February 7, 2014

fitness inspirational quotes
So a lot has been on my mind lately. I am sure like most of you, winter has been full of commitments,
holiday events, kids activities, work, family and friends. The weather has been awful and many of us have been stuck inside. I have found that since I had Zeke my days fly by and often times I don't even know what I did. My goal to live in the moment is working however that means I am letting a lot of other things go, this blog being on of them... the reason I have not posted much... but I have been thinking!
Most of you know I am in love with fitness, it will never come before, faith and family but sometimes I struggle with the balance! I am 37 and have 5 kids. I am not old but I am not young either, my dreams of competing are hit or miss and the reality is... I cannot commit to the training that I truly need to too compete. Or can I? What is really required? Well to be amazing... much is, many hours, many healthy meals (I already feel like I eat all day long) and a lot of time away from the family. I am not willing to sacrifice putting my family second but why can't I do some of those things I love to do! I can, and you can too.
I hear so often, is there really hope for me? I am 40 or 60 or so fat... We live in a world of excuses and the sad thing is we are the only ones who create them, some of them are legit but let's be real for a moment. The amount of resources to exercise and eat well are ENDLESS, it is everywhere, you can find it free, you can find it for cheap and you can spend a whole lot of money... the only problem is what is in our heads... "I can't, it's too expensive, too hard etc."
Here is the deal.......... It is your life, your body, you only get ONE and thanks to God He has given you complete freedom over what to do with it... this is where it gets hard. You have to decide how you are going to take care of it?! Eat crap, don't exercise equals feel like crap and get fat which then turns into low self esteem and depression. The magic trick... eat food that will fuel your body and exercise and you will look better, feel a ton better and be ready to take on whatever is thrown at you.
I know it sounds simple. We all have temptations and most of us cannot afford our own trainers and chefs on a daily basis. The good news I can help and I would love too. My point being... don't give up on you. Don't let a bad day keep going. We all have days we fail... PMS and half gallon ice cream later, that awesome run we planned which felt terrible or did not happen, trying to get that one last lift in for a personal record and you just can't. We are human. We are going to fall, many many times. But will you let it defeat you... will you let it stop you from your dreams.
What are they? How can you make them happen? How can I help you make them happen?
Bootcamp on Wednesdays at 615. Partner workouts that are challenging and a blast. Come and try it.
1215s are coming back too, I will post dates on Facebook!
Online Spring Break Prep Challenge starts Monday, you still have time to get in on it! 
Bikini Bootcamp Planning is in the works as well. Bring on Spring!
I will end with my favorite quote.
Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever; and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow. - St. Augustine -
Train Hard, Eat Well, Pray Harder.

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