Sunday, December 29, 2013

Take care of your body as if you were going to live forever;
 and take care of your soul as if you were going to die tomorrow. - St. Augustine -
It seems like yesterday that I wrote last years New Year's Blog.
Another year has flown by? Have you reviewed your last years resolutions?
How did you do? Go back and take a look?
Most of us will find an unaccomplished list but what about other aspects of your life?
Did you improve? Chances are you did.
Most of you know we had number 5 this year right smack dab at
the end of the school year.
Literally on the kids last day of school.
Most of you know that I have my act together,
I have a pretty strict way of discipline,
way of life and way of running the family.
Well my son Ezekiel taught me a few things in the last 7 months and I know
why God has put him in my life.
From the day we brought him home from the hospital
our lives changed. Recovering from a csection is certainly different,
the recovery is much longer and let's face I am much needier because
I am not allowed to do much of anything the first couple weeks
(at least I am not supposed too, try keeping a Mom down).
Some might say I turned soft, others might say my heart softened.
Either way it was a good change.
The rest of my boys I have been able to get on a schedule with,
a pretty strict one and that was good cause I live on a strict schedule,
keeping a planner with details of every hour that goes by and
when things did not go the way I had them planned, well...
watch out for crazy Mom.
NOT ANYMORE. I have learned to LET GO.
Since May 31st I have learned to truly enjoy what is important in life.
I have learned to sit back and relax more even amidst 5 boys.
Whatever I had planned, well Zeke had other plans.
Although frustrating at the time it made me realize that God was
trying to tell me to slow down.
To just Live in the Moment.
Everything that is supposed to get done WILL get done,
it just may not be in my time frame.
This was FREEING. I became happier even getting less done.
I have learned to enjoy my children more, enjoy my life more.
In the past 7 months my life has changed and for the better.
Not only do I have another amazing boy in my life who
I love more than anything but my eyes have been opened to what I
have been missing just being present in the moment.
With all of that comes sacrifice no doubt.
Living each day somewhat unplanned allows me to enjoy the day 
 more and truly embrace what is important.
Keep in mind, I  still get  my workouts in daily (sanity), eat well and 
make time to pray... even if only that short Surrender prayer.
Remember life is always a journey and some days I do still revert
back to old crazy Mom, but I try not to dwell on it
and just move forward.
So on that note, think about 2014.
How can you simplify your life and truly embrace what is important.
Everything else CAN WAIT.
Create your goals around that one.
Below are a couple links to 2 awesome articles! Enjoy.
Bootcamp Resumes the week of Jan 7.
More online Workouts to come too if we have enough interest so let me know!!!
Details will be posted on Facebook!

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