Sunday, December 8, 2013

2014 is around the corner.
Most have New Years Resolutions.
Most fail about 2 weeks in.
So what have you been thinking about?
How will you stay on track?
The quote above is simple and yet so true and I dare you to try it.
1. Start your morning with a quick prayer, every morning as soon as you wake.
Dear Jesus, I surrender my day to you. I offer my pains and joys to you.
When I am struggling remind me to call on you for help
and when I things are going well remind me to thank you.
Do this for 2 weeks straight and let me know how life is...
2. Work out at the same time everyday you work out. Keep it a solid unbroken appt with yourself and don't miss it no matter what. Pick the days and times, put it on your calendar.
3. Buy a fun water bottle (preferably 1 liter) and plan to drink 3 to 4 of them a day. Carry it with you everywhere you go, plan on drinking 2 of them before you eat lunch. No lunch until it is done.
4. Plan your meals. Take 5 minutes each morning to have an idea what you are going to eat for the day. Pack your snacks, and your lunch. It literally only takes 5 minutes.
5. Check in with yourself at lunch or midday each day to see how you are doing. How is your day going? Take 5 minutes to just be in silence. If you like to write keep a journal with you and track how things are going. Regardless take those 5 minutes of complete silence even if you have to hide in a bathroom. (Moms you know what I mean). If you are having a rough day, say that morning pray again. Re surrender your day and just see what happens. I am not promising any miracles but I do promise that whatever comes your way you will be able to handle better because of it.
Lastly... talk less, listen more...... you will be amazed at how powerful this is.
The "Fight the Tire Challenge" is going AWESOME! I am so thrilled for everyone participating!
Bootcamp Classes will resume in January for those interested.
Because we are inside with smaller class setting classes with be $15.
We will likely have two 12:15 classes, resume our Wed evening as well as early morning if we have enough interest so be thinking about it....

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