Sunday, October 6, 2013

The two likely go hand in had. How is your diet lately? Are you saying to yourself, "I will start tomorrow." "Oh just one more." "This won't hurt." "I am going out to dinner so I can eat before that because dinner will be so many calories." "I am just not hungry." "I missed breakfast, lunch..."
I guarantee you most of us are eating too little or definitely too little of the RIGHT foods.
It is not ok to skip breakfast. It is not ok to skip any meal.
So what are your goals in your life of fitness. Are you looking to loose or gain weight?
The concept is simple. Eat a healthy carb, protein and fat at every meal and do it every 3-4 hours.
Consume 2-4 liters of water daily as well.
That is it! It does not get any more complex than that?
I could go into much greater detail and the science behind it but I don't want to make things complex.
For one week try it. One week. One day at a time. One meal at a time and don't mess it up.
For one week, avoid restaurants, and plan your meals that you make in your own kitchen.
Plan them, pack them, set your timers as to when to eat them in case you forget.
I promise you will feel amazing, your energy levels will soar,
you will be less tired and physically be able to do more.
Your mood will improve, and so will your sleep.
So do it. Stop making excuses, stop saying yes to dinner out.
What is that old saying? "Abs are made in the kitchen," and it is 100% right on."
So get the crap out of your house, stop eating out, stop starving yourself and plan your meals.
Take on one week of clean eating and then talk to me and tell me how you feel.
When was the last time you trained body parts that really need it, the exercises that are hard to do?
Most of us stick to the comfort zone, we stick to things we are familiar and comfortable with.
Things we do well. We cannot grow in comfort. We need to get out of that comfort zone to challenge ourselves. I know I have said it before. Pick that one area of weakness and work on it daily.
Make it simple. Pick a doable number and do it daily.
We cannot grow stronger if we don't.
Still time to sign up for the Loaded 5K.
Bootcamp Wed 615
Thursday 545am
T/TH 1215pm

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