Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Are you being challenged? How are your workouts? Are you pushing to the next level?
Giving it your all? When you participate in class, mine or any other do you just go through the motions or give it your all? How much chit chat is there? Complaining when you could be working? Is it your social hour or your time to burn off steam and stress and get ready for the day or end the day on a great note. Think about what you are doing, WHY you are doing it. We all know exercise is good for you and it is necessary but are you looking to change your body?
Then the next question is how do I step it up, the body plateaus after 2-4 weeks of the same kind of training and classes and if you stop pushing it, it will not change either.
Boot camp strives for NO PLATEAUS. We change up our training methods weekly to keep your body guessing (that is why so many of you are still sore so often).
Wait til we get back outside.............
Take a minute the next few days and rethink your training. Rethink your mind set and reevaluate what you really want out of your workouts.
Remember I am always listening..........
I am here to help you and push you beyond what you think you can do!
But ultimately the work is up to you!
And don't forget the foods you put in your mouth! Don't make it complicated with pills, meal replacements and supplements. All you need are real quality whole foods, a good protein powder for recovery, fish oil and a multivitamin!
Don't make it any harder than that!
There are NO magic potions. Just plain hard work and healthy eats PERIOD!
Fuel your body every 3-4 hours and it will keep running like a well lit fire but fuel it well.
The combo of good eats and TOUGH exercise
and CONSISTENCY will give you what you want.
I promise. I believe in you. DO YOU.
Discipline and persistence. It IS in YOU.
Classes Next Week:
Tues 6am and 415
Wed 615PM
Thursday 6am and 415
Still 4 Spots Open for Bikini............Sign up!
New Treat Ideas for Easter... to avoid the candy.
  • Fill plastic eggs with small toys or other treats (homemade granola instead of candy.
  • Experiment with these all-natural egg dye recipes for colorful fun that you can eat afterwards without worrying about the food colorings and preservatives.
  • Try an egg race with your newly colorful eggs. Each contestant gets an egg to balance on a wooden spoon, and the goal is to make it all the way to the finish line without dropping the egg.
  • Lay out a snack table with dyed eggs, some multicolored carrots (they come in yellow, white, and purple, too!) for the Easter bunny and a variety of colorful and exciting dips. Candy is appealing to kids because it’s bright and colorful, but there’s no reason why real food can’t look like that too!

  • Spring Crock Pot Cooking:

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