Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Happy New Year Ladies!
I hope you do have your goal written and up, I hope you have shared them with many so that your friends and loved ones can help keep you accountable.
 It is not too late if you have not.
Make this year be the year of No Excuses.... not perfection, but no excuses.
February Couples Competition:
Next month you will have the option to participate in a couple competition. This will involve you and your spouse or significant other. You will be given at home workouts to be completed together as well as being accountable for keeping a daily food log to be turned in to me on a weekly basis. 
 Meant to be fun and gear you both toward the same goal of being healthy and helping your family continue to learn to eat right and exercise. Please let me know if you are up for the challenge.
The entrance fee is $50 for the both of you. Due to me by Jan 21st.
The more participants the bigger the prize!
 Anyone interested in ordering sweatshirts, tshirts, long sleeved tshirts or tanks please let me know.
I am updating my sweatshirt to the new logo and possibly a new slogan.
I would love to hear your ideas for new slogans!!!
Please sign up for next weeks classes:
Tues. 6am
Wed 415
Thursday 6am
Other options if these do not work for you, please email me for details.
Enjoy snack ideas from Spark, this is great website for support and nutrition tracking as well.
Some other great recipes. Enjoy!