Monday, September 9, 2013

So I had a bad week last night. Juggling life with 5 kids is not easy.
I am pulled multiple different directions, trying to manage a household and a business.
Top it off with a beautiful 3 month old little boy who is an amazing sleeper,
however when he is up demands every ounce of my attention.
So what does that mean?
I don't get a thing done when he is up. There are two ways this can go.
One, I can let it defeat me (which I did last week) or 2,
I can rise above the struggles.
Turn them into gifts and try to make the best of the situation and respond joyfully.
We all have bad weeks, we all have a million and one things going on in our lives.
We all do too much, involve our kids in too much and run ourselves ragged. Why?
Because we feel we need to keep up with the world?
Because we think our kids want to be involved in so many things?
It stresses us out, how do you think they feel?
Ever get a weekend where you don't have to be anywhere or do anything?
Do you enjoy it? Of course? The kids do too!
Today we talk about simplifying. Simplify your life.
What can you get rid of, what stresses can you remove in your life and your kids?
So what if your house is not perfectly clean,
people live there and it is ok for it to look like people live there.
So what if there are a few dishes in the sink, if the kids need to miss one practice.
The world is not going to end,
the dishes will still be there and maybe someone else will even put them away?
Focus on the things that matter. Prioritize.
Our kids need us, they want to be with us.
Our spouses need us, they need to spend time with us.
Plan some dates nights with your kids and your spouse,
you don't even have to leave the house, just plan to spend time with them.
One on one!
You need time with you. Workout, prayer, sanity time.
Plan that time for yourself and make it happen everyday.
Life is too short to stress about all the things that do not get done,
 they will always be there.
Your kids won't. Your spouse may not be.
You might even slip away mentally and emotionally.
Focus on what is important.
1. Wake up and start your day with a prayer.
Surrender your day and see what happens.
Ask for help from God, your kids, spouse and friends.
We are not meant to be in this world alone or do it alone.
2. Eat healthy and exercise.
3. Try to be as joyful as you can, it is really contagious!
4. Be there for those you love and those that love you!
5. Smile. Sounds crazy but it does make you feel good and everyone else around you!
Dates to remember:
Loaded 5K September 24th.
Shirt orders should be in by the end of this week, so you still have time to order!
Bootcamp Wed 615
Thursday 545am
Check Facebook for extras class times!

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