Monday, May 13, 2013

Ok Ladies it is Go time. Time to get real.
It is the middle of May. What are your fitness goals. With summer around the corner what it is you want to achieve to be healthier this summer. It is up to YOU. No one else is going to turn down that "one more drink, or dessert or chip" for you.
You have to decide for yourself.
You have to make the decision to be disciplined.
You have to decide to get your workouts in 3-5 times a week.
You have to decide to fill your fridge and pantry with foods that will
help you body not destroy it.
You have to decide to get your 8 hours of sleep.
Surround yourself with positive influence for your life both physical and spiritual.
If you want a better you... decide NOW what you will do to make it happen.
1. Hang out with those who will lift you up, not bring you down.
2. Get the crap out of your house and replace it with lean proteins,
veggies, fruits and good fats.
3. Drink much less alcohol and much more water.
4. Get off your butts and move, get here, get outside, get to a gym. Get moving.
5. STOP MAKING EXCUSES... there are always ways to make it work. Travelling, work, kids, business, nights out... all cop outs. You can say NO to bad food and drink, you can pack your lunches, you can move your body.
IT IS UP TO YOU! But just know I am here to help.
Two weeks left of bikini.
W/F 545am.
If you are unable to make it or want to come to an afternoon class please just let me know.
Monday 330, Tues 415, Wed 415, Thurs. 4
It is your job to get here!
Fun/Hell week is May 28th.
Tues-Thur 6am to 630am. $35
This will be no joke training. I will push you to your max,
so do not underestimate the 30 min time frame.
I need at least 4 for each day to have it so let me know.
I will also offer online training 3x a week during the month of June.
You will get 3 intense workouts you can do at home for the month of June.
Cost is $50 for the month.
Let me know if you are interested.
We will start back up with Bikini in July!

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