Monday, August 25, 2014

What are you telling yourself and what are you doing?
We all have wants. Most of us want to be in good shape, want to look good in shnazy clothes, 
want to feel confident in them and out of them. 
How we look says a lot about how we take care of ourselves. 
God gave us this gift of the body, it is pretty perfect... yes even the stretch marks,
 the scars, the flat chest, the huge one, the big butt, the flat one, the thick thighs and the scrawny ones.
It is perfect and so are you. God made you that way. 
But he also expects us to take care of ourselves. 
Be satisfied with what he gave you and work hard to take care of it.
Inside and Out! 
So what are you telling yourself?
I will start clean eating tomorrow?
I will start running tomorrow? I will get to class next week? There is so much going on.
The kids are in so many activities, I am not a morning person, I am not up for it.
 I would rather go out with my friends. News flash... get that friend to join you for 
class or a workout THEN GO OUT! 
Hang out with the people who want the best for you, 
not ones that will make more excuses for you! 
Trust me we do enough of that on our own. We need people who will help us be accountable! 
People who will push us, get us out of our comfort zones to attain our goals. 
The ones who will say "Go do it and stop making excuses, I will be here when you are done 
or better yet I will do it with you."... 
"Get the crap out of your fridge, want me to help you get rid of it."
 Or... come to Church with me on Sunday? Let's go together and go for a walk after?" 
Surround yourself with people who want the best for you. 
The ones who will help you follow through with what you are telling yourself. 
Get your butts out there. Commit to your workouts. I believe enough in you, 
I know you can do it, I am here for you. You owe it to yourself to make it happen. 
You are important enough to eat right, exercise and get to Church! You cannot do it alone. 
The big man is there for you and so are the ones who love you! 
So enough B.S. whatever it is your are telling yourself. MAKE IT HAPPEN.
And whatever excuses that come up... well consider that from the evil one cause..
You got this. I BELIEVE IN YOU!
Actions speak louder than words. Let's start Acting!

Some fun stuff coming up!!!
More online challenges.
Loaded 5K. 
Likely Sept 25th so mark your Calendars! 
You don't want to miss it!!!

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